Thursday, April 29, 2010


lets see what do we want to do?
25 10 meter sprints
10 sandbag get ups with 80lb sandbag
45lb plate from ground to overhead 50times
75 pull ups
6-8am jiu-jitsu
partner pushups X 30
partner leg press X 30
50 burpees

Monday, April 26, 2010


started new strength program today in preperation for the August weightlifting meet. lots of squats is basically what is without getting to indepth.

12 X 2reps
High bar back squat
start at 70% of your max and move up 5% each set of 2 reps until 2 is hard
when you get to that point stay with that weight and finish your required sets
incase you didn't know what a high bar back squat was here is the answer.
instead of leaning forward at the hips and holding the bar more across your scapulae you are going to keep your upper body more upright and hold the bar across your traps.
have fun

Sunday, April 25, 2010


big day in whoville at the Sacred Heart Olympic Weightlifting Competition on 25/4/10

snatch 70kg
clean and jerk 95,100,102 (PR)
Total 172 (new meet personal record)

joe r
snatch 71, 75, 81
clean and jerk 105
Total 185

joe c
snatch 71, 75 missed 83 (but i will get it)
clean and jerk 106, 110 115 (PR)
total 190

good job

6 rounds
sand bag drag (80lbs) 25meters x 6
sand bag power clean X 6
sand bag split jerk X 6

Friday, April 23, 2010

total weight moved in 15min of
135lb squat cleans

Sunday, April 18, 2010


box jumps x10 24in box
sprint 200 meters
repeat 6 times

6-8am jiu-jitsu
bear crawl length of mat X 5
pushups x 10
burpees x 20
repeat 5 times

this weekend me, e joe r and possible big b competeing in olympic weightlifting meet at sacred heart university in fairfield ct
soon training will change to get ready for Naga tournament on 29/5-30/5 will update site accordingly, will incorporate olympic lifts into metcon workouts, also will increase sprint work with weight on the body

Friday, April 9, 2010


8 X2 reps
Back Squat X 80%of max
Front Squat X 80% of max
Run 1 mile

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


10 rounds of 2 reps, each set continue to increase weight or do 85% of your 1 rep max and stay with that

squat clean to hang clean

then sprint 400 meters 4 times

6-8am jiu-jitsu


40 situps

30 medball slams

20 jumping squats

10 mat sprints

Monday, April 5, 2010


4 rounds
Backsquats 275 X 5
pullups X 10
200 meter sprint X 5

Saturday, April 3, 2010


load sled with 135 lbs sprint with it 10 times by 20 feet
2o L-pullups X 5
20 push ups X 5

Thursday, April 1, 2010

3 rounds
strict press # 135 X 5
Push jerk # 155 X 5
Split Jerk # 175 X 5
rest 2min
225lbs on sled or tire drag with 90lbs or 80lb sandbag drag 25feet X 10
6-8am jiu-jitsu
25 sprints length of the mat
1min max reps pushups
1min max reps situps
1min max reps jump squats