Wednesday, March 31, 2010


8 rounds
80lb sandbag drag 50 ft X 5
10 overheadsquats X 10
pushups X 15

Monday, March 29, 2010

50 burpee power snatches at 95lbs

Saturday, March 27, 2010


do each round individually and time it, then rest 1 min and do next round and time it
objective: is to be your time from the previous round
15 pushups
15 pullups
rest 5 min at the end of 5th round
then go run 1 mile

Friday, March 26, 2010


10 handstand push ups
15 2pood kettlebell swings
20 pull ups
25 Air Squats
30 95lb Hang Snatches
35 135 deadlifts
40 10 meter sprints

start at 10 go to 40 then rest 2 min and go from 40 down to 10

"the difference between interest and commitment is this.......when you're interested in something,you do it only when circumstances permit. when you're committed to something, you except no excuses just results"

commit to being strong and powerful

Thursday, March 25, 2010

26/3/10 rest day

rest day

signed up for the warrior dash in Wyndam New York, September 18th at 3:00pm
3 miles of obstacles and fun

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


8 rounds of 2 reps increasing weight each round
deadlifts starting at 60% of 1 rep max

rest 2 min
do 10 50 meter sprints

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


pick up a sandbag 80lbs, muay thai bag, or some other oblong object
Place it on your shoulders and Squat 30 times
Drop it and sprint 200 yards, (1oo out and 100 back)
Pick up bag squat 20 times
200 yard sprint
10 squats
200 yards
find a bar and do 100 pull ups

6-8am jiu-jitsu
Leg blaster
20 squats
15 push ups
20 lungs
15 push ups
20 jumping lunges
15 push ups
20 jumping squats
15 pushups
repeat 2times

Monday, March 22, 2010


5 rounds
95lbs overhead squat X 15
95lbs powerclean X 10
95lbs bent over row X 5

Good work to the two from darwin that competed in the crossfit sectionals at crossfit milford on 3/20 and 3/21. Great work now lets get focused on our olympic meet

Thursday, March 18, 2010


20 hang Squat cleans 135lbs
no rest right into
20 burpees
no rest right into
20 Jerks from the Front rack 135lbs

6-8am jiu-jitsu
25 med ball cleans
25 pushups
25 longs jumps length of mat

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


trio of truth
do the next 3 exercises max reps in 2 minutes
only rest is the time it takes to set up bar for next lift
deadlift 225
Front squat 185
powerclean 155

rest 5 minutes
then do 50 10meter sprints

the truth will set you free

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


5 rounds

Hang Power Clean 135lbs X 5

Sprint 400 meters X 1

6-8am Jiu-Jitsu

15min as many rounds as possible

10 ball slams

10 pushups

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


15min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
400meter run
185lb bench press X 8

6-8am Jiu-Jitsu
20min time limit
do as many burpees as possible in time given

Monday, March 8, 2010


10 rounds
box jump max reps 1 min on 24in box

Sunday, March 7, 2010


good day today on sunday 7th march 2010
330lbs high bar back squat ass to deck
getting stronger, clean and jerks more explosive
snatches getting there need more technique work
going to see Gary next week for some good training

work out is 4 rounds
Sled drag with body weight on sled, drag 50 meters X 6
walking lunges 50 meters X 6
Knees to bar X 20

6-8am jiu-jitsu class
buddy carry sprint length of mat X 10
squatting long jumps length of mat X 10
sit ups X 100

Friday, March 5, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


This picture was taken when crossfit was still elite and underground
20 minute time limit
1,000m row
In remaining time complete 5 rounds
Sumodeadlift high pulls X 21
burpees X 15
thruster X 9
weight is 95lbs
this was the first wod that both myself and Inst. E did that was truly a kick in the ass
6-8am jiu-jitsu class
medcine ball slams X25
medcine ball press overhead X 25
rounds = 4

Monday, March 1, 2010


yea i had to put this up

in order to date these two chicks you must complete in a reasonable amount of time the following:
2 rounds
75 pushups
75 air squats

rest 1 min

2 rounds
750 m sprint rower
Back Squat 225 X 10

rest 30 sec

1 round
max burpees in 5 min
