Tuesday, March 23, 2010


pick up a sandbag 80lbs, muay thai bag, or some other oblong object
Place it on your shoulders and Squat 30 times
Drop it and sprint 200 yards, (1oo out and 100 back)
Pick up bag squat 20 times
200 yard sprint
10 squats
200 yards
find a bar and do 100 pull ups

6-8am jiu-jitsu
Leg blaster
20 squats
15 push ups
20 lungs
15 push ups
20 jumping lunges
15 push ups
20 jumping squats
15 pushups
repeat 2times


  1. Done!!! Nice!!! used a 1930's Middletown High Tackling dummy (rough heavy back), prob didnt weigh 80lbs but 50-60lbs, figured you wanted an odd shapped object.
    - my 300 meter is about 53 sec. So I jumped roped for 1min instead of sprint. for every time i dropped rope added 10 sec.
    - Pull ups no prob. did have to do 20 aussie pull ups at the 50 mark, but banged out the last set 5-10 at a time.
    Feel good!! - McMahon

  2. good man that's fine if there are some things on here that you don't have access to or just can't do adapt and overcome
