Sunday, February 28, 2010

Saturday, February 27, 2010



1000m row
350 deadlift X 5
750 m row
350 deadlift X 4
500 m row
350 deadlift X 3
250 m row
350 deadlift X 2
100 m row
350 deadlift X 1

Friday, February 26, 2010


5 rounds
225lb sled drag 100 ft forward and backward 4 times
100 ft sprints x 10
Dumbbell thrusters # 35lb X 10

Thursday, February 25, 2010

26/2/10 "

3 rounds
Row 500 meters
Ring Dips X 15
Front Squat 60% of 1 rep maximum X 10

6-8am jiu-jitsu class
walking lunge length of mat, holding medicine ball over head X 6
Walking push ups length of mat X 6
300 sit ups

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


OverheadSquat body weight X 10
Powerclean body weight X 10
6-8am Jiu-Jitsu Class
5 rounds
Thruster ball catch X 10
Frog Push Ups X 10

Monday, February 22, 2010

23/2/10 "R.I.P. ROBERT HOWARD"

20min AMRAP
Sandbag Get ups # 80 X 6
100m sprint ROWER

Sunday, February 21, 2010


1 round
50 10 meter sprints
50 burpess

6-8am jiu-jitsu class
25 squating long jumps across the mat
30 two man push ups

Friday, February 19, 2010

20/2/10 "HEHE"

Tire drag 40ft X 4 (45lb plate on top of tire)
Sandbag Get Ups #80lb X 10
Rope Climb X 4

sand bag get up is to complicated to explain go to and find it in the exercises section

when you finish this wod you will wake up in paradise looking at that

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Power clean work up to 1 rep max
then take 65% of that and do following WOD
Max reps of Powerclean in 5min
Max reps of Pullups in 5min
Max reps Burpees in 5min
Max calories on Rower in 5min
6-8am Jiu-Jitsu
As many rounds as possible in 15min of
8 pushups
8 burpees
have fun

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

17/2/10 "MOMMY"

to do this workout you are to do 1 rep the first minute, 2 reps second minute, 3 reps and so forth, i presume are smart enough to figure out what happens the 4, 5, 6, 7 min etc.
movement will require an 80lb sandbag
the movment will be named "MOMMY"
movement is
starting with sand bag on ground you are going to squat clean sandbag
from bottom of squat clean you are going to explode into a thruster and throw the bag up into the air
from this extended position you are going to throw your legs back and perform a pushup
that is 1 complete rep again
squat clean bag, explode up into to thruster and throw bag in the air, throw legs back and perform a push up = 1 rep
6-8am jiu-jitsu class
push ups off a med ball X 10
5 sprints the length of mat
repeat 10 times
good luck ladies

Monday, February 15, 2010


4 rounds
Strict Press #135 X 5
Push Jerk # 135 X 10
Split Jerk # 135 X 15
rest 5 min
50 GHD situps
50 GHD back extensions

Saturday, February 13, 2010

14/2/10 "HERB BROOKS"

5 rounds
Rope Climb x 5
GHD back extension X 10
Air Squat X 15

back extension range of motion is all the way down so body is vertical to floor and up so body is parallel to floor, don't go above parallel when coming not good for back

eric good luck at lifting event

team darwin barbell

Friday, February 12, 2010


8 rounds
Back Squat 75% of 1 rep max X 8
Sprint 10meters with 25lb pack, or 40lb vest X 8

Thursday, February 11, 2010

12/2/10 "NO NAME"

1 time through as fast as humanly possible
KB swings # 2 pood (72lb/35ib) X 75
Powercleans # 135lb/95lb X 75
Row 1,000 meters

6-8am Jiu-Jitsu class
Fast as possible
1 time through
pushups X 100
situps X 100
AirSquats X 100

have fun

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

10/2/10 "OLD SCHOOL"

pull up strict x 20
Push Jerk # 135 X 10
Box Jump 30in box X 5
on push jerk focus on pushing yourself underneath the bar until elbows are straight then using legs to push weight up
if you are pressing the weight you are doing it wrong, if you have any questions on how movement should be performed go to and look up push jerk in exercises section
6-8AM Jiu-Jitsu class
Walking Lunge length of mat X 10
Walking push ups length of mat X 10
Fireman Carry partner and sprint length of mat X 10
repeat 5 times

Sunday, February 7, 2010


sandbag clean #80 as many reps as possible

6-8am Jiu-Jitsu class
15min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
5 clapping pushups
5 jumping squats

Saturday, February 6, 2010

7/2/10 "HIKING"

Follow directions carefully:
you are going to do As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 6 min
you are going to do this 5 times
you will then add up your rounds and weight moved to get totals, so your score is going to be total rounds completed (no half rounds or quater rounds) and total weight moved example 55rounds/20,000lbs moved

1st 6min
5 situps

2nd 6min
Sumodeadlift highpull X 5 # 115/65
air squats X 5

3rd 6min
Push Press X 5 # 115/65
Kb swing X 5 # 72/35

4th 6min
Box Jump X 5 # 24inch box
Ring Rows X 5

5th 6min
10 meter sprint X 5
Burpees x 5

again add up all rounds and total weight moved for each 6min evolution
then add up those totals for your total score

push yourself and maximum effort
"a journey of 1,000 miles begins with the first step"

Friday, February 5, 2010

6/2/10 "REST DAY"

Even the original takes a rest day
recover and be ready for sunday

Thursday, February 4, 2010

5/2/10 "WOLVES"

5 lifts 5min each to move as much weight as possible at each lift in the 5min time allotment
1st lift Deadlift 275lbs/135lbs
2nd lift Strict Press 115lbs/55lbs
3rd lift Power Clean 185lbs/95lbs
4th lift Overhead Squat 155lbs/95lbs
5th lift Front Squat 200lbs/135lbs
rest between each 5 min period is going to be the amount of time it takes you to set up weight for next lift
(ladies if you can do more on these lifts then go ahead, but remember it's 5min time limit so you don't want to be spending 45secs to do one lift you want to get as many done as possible to move the maximum amount of weight in time given)
when you are done mulitply the number of reps completed by the weight, get totals for each 5 min period then add up all those totals to get your grand total of weight moved in all lifts
jiu-jitsu class workout
5 rounds for time of
15 pushups
20 situps
25 air squats
lou let me know how everyone did
this is a race so everyone should go balls out

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

4/2/10 "ROLLIN"

3 rounds
Tire Flips X 10
Step ups 24inch box X 20
KB Swings # 2 pood (72lbs) X 30
rest 5 min
Max pullups 2 min
Starting this week i will be posting workouts for team plus one am jiu-jitsu class
they will be posted the day before each class, make sure to sign in and leave a post let me know how i can make the wods better to suit the class
after this wod i will see you rollin out of the gym on a stretcher have fun
it was great working with you all, and i hope it makes you better jiu-jitsu players

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

3/2/10 "CIRCLE of DEATH"

5 rounds
Hang snatch # 115 X 10
Rope Climb X 5

Scaling regulations
to scale i want you to just take a percentage of the weight posted
25%, 50% 75% or as perscribed
the reps will always stay the same just going to lighten up the weight to what you are capable of doing at the time to get a good training effect from the WOD
the rounds will stay the same
if you are new don't focus on time so much, i would even say don't even time the workouts until you get to a point were you can do the WOD perscribed
time shouldn be of secondary importance in the beginning
form and function the main factors in the beginning so a good training effect can be achieved
good luck

Monday, February 1, 2010

2/2/10 REST DAY

rest day
if you go near a gym face the consequences