Tuesday, February 9, 2010

10/2/10 "OLD SCHOOL"

pull up strict x 20
Push Jerk # 135 X 10
Box Jump 30in box X 5
on push jerk focus on pushing yourself underneath the bar until elbows are straight then using legs to push weight up
if you are pressing the weight you are doing it wrong, if you have any questions on how movement should be performed go to www.crossfit.com and look up push jerk in exercises section
6-8AM Jiu-Jitsu class
Walking Lunge length of mat X 10
Walking push ups length of mat X 10
Fireman Carry partner and sprint length of mat X 10
repeat 5 times

1 comment:

  1. yea some exercise are on one and some are on the other what the fuck to do and where is that picture of that man meal you ate today
