Monday, February 22, 2010

23/2/10 "R.I.P. ROBERT HOWARD"

20min AMRAP
Sandbag Get ups # 80 X 6
100m sprint ROWER


  1. Quote from Dan John on OHS:

    It builds “Dad Strength.” When my friends and I used to lift the old six foot bar with cement filled weights, we all thought we were pretty strong. Then, Dad would ask us to help him move a car engine or open a rusted jar of nuts and bolts, or put the ping pong table up on a rack for storage. Yes, I was the strongest kid in the four-house area, but every Dad had that scary kind of strength that allows one to pick an engine out of a Pontiac station wagon and carry it to the lawn.

    Overhead squats build that kind of strength. For an athlete, it turns your body into “one piece.”
