Thursday, February 4, 2010

5/2/10 "WOLVES"

5 lifts 5min each to move as much weight as possible at each lift in the 5min time allotment
1st lift Deadlift 275lbs/135lbs
2nd lift Strict Press 115lbs/55lbs
3rd lift Power Clean 185lbs/95lbs
4th lift Overhead Squat 155lbs/95lbs
5th lift Front Squat 200lbs/135lbs
rest between each 5 min period is going to be the amount of time it takes you to set up weight for next lift
(ladies if you can do more on these lifts then go ahead, but remember it's 5min time limit so you don't want to be spending 45secs to do one lift you want to get as many done as possible to move the maximum amount of weight in time given)
when you are done mulitply the number of reps completed by the weight, get totals for each 5 min period then add up all those totals to get your grand total of weight moved in all lifts
jiu-jitsu class workout
5 rounds for time of
15 pushups
20 situps
25 air squats
lou let me know how everyone did
this is a race so everyone should go balls out

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