Wednesday, February 3, 2010

4/2/10 "ROLLIN"

3 rounds
Tire Flips X 10
Step ups 24inch box X 20
KB Swings # 2 pood (72lbs) X 30
rest 5 min
Max pullups 2 min
Starting this week i will be posting workouts for team plus one am jiu-jitsu class
they will be posted the day before each class, make sure to sign in and leave a post let me know how i can make the wods better to suit the class
after this wod i will see you rollin out of the gym on a stretcher have fun
it was great working with you all, and i hope it makes you better jiu-jitsu players


  1. I appreciate the hep my friend.


  2. it's my pleasure because you are going to help me get my purple this year and i am going to make you stronger so you can get your black
