Sunday, January 31, 2010

2/1/10 "8 MAN"

8 rounds
30in box jump X 8
pull ups X 8
GHD back extension X 8 with 15lb dumbbell behind head

When doing back extension make sure that you don't go above parallel when coming up from bottom
pullups are to be chest to bar
at top of box jump make sure to open hip completely, focus on exploding off the floor

Saturday, January 30, 2010

31/1/10 "Biting this one from Crossfit mainpage"

Took this WOD from Crossfit main page because it sucks
Instructor J. total score 302
Handstand Pushups max reps 10min = 38
Air Squats max reps 5min = 220
Push ups max reps 2min = 70
Pulls ups max reps 1min = 22
those are my totals see what you get
goal is to get over 300 total reps
good luck and make sure you got the puke bucket in reach you will need it

Friday, January 29, 2010

30/1/10 "Zeus"

5 rounds
Atlas stone from ground to shoulder X 5 # 150
Push Press X 10 # 135
Burpees X 15

for atlas stone lift make sure to lap it first and explode through the hips to roll atlas stone to shoulder

Thursday, January 28, 2010

29/1/10 "REST DAY"

rest day
if you go to the gym today you will meet the business end of this instrument of pain and destruction

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

28/1/10 FOB DARWIN

FOB DARWIN is open we are in business
10min AMRAP
2 pood KB cleans (72lbs)
On this focus on keeping your spine (midline) upright
want to drive off your heels keeping your pelvis underneath your shoulders

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Pull ups total weight moved 20,000lbs (divide 20000 by body weight to get total reps)
Hang Squat Cleans total weight moved 15,000lbs (use 135, 185, 205, 215 or 225lbs) divide these choices of weigh ts into 15000 to get total reps to do
20 meter sprints (total # of sprints to do has to equal 1 mile)
Example 20 meters = 60 feet 5280ft divided by 60 = 88sprints total

After this go to arby's and get roastburger you've earned it
Goal with hSqcleans is speed under the bar, you want to get yourself under the bar as quickly as possible
Goal with pull-ups is to do chest to bar for as many reps as you can
when you can't get chest to bar any longer, chin needs to get over bar
reps you do that don't get chin over bar don't count
word of the day = integrity don't cheat yourself by counting reps that aren't any good

Monday, January 25, 2010

26/1/10 "AMMO"

Grind it out (no time component)
Kettlebell Swings # 35 x 1oo
Overhead Squats # 95 x 75 (ass to floor)
Step ups # 24in box X 50
Power Snatch # 65 X 25

Point of this WOD is to kill your AMMO ( posterior chain)
Immediately after this WOD get on rower if available and cool down with 1,000 meters if no rower is available do 50 10 meter sprints very light, point is to get the blood that is now in your legs recirculated through your body to help with the soreness you will be feeling before, during and after this WOD good luck

Sunday, January 24, 2010

25/1/10 "Warrior"

10 rounds
Deadlift #225 x 10
Pull-ups (chest to bar) x 10

Finish this WOD and become a warrior

Saturday, January 23, 2010

24/1/10 "Rest Day"

rest day take it easy and recover

Friday, January 22, 2010

23/1/10 "cabin in the woods"

15 min AMRAP ( as many rounds as possible)
15 pull ups
20 meter sprint with 225lbs on prowler sled x 4

then go find your cabin in the woods and preceed to die there heeeeeeeeeeee

22/1/10 "Conan"

4 rounds
1 rep = 1 squat clean +1 power clean + 1 thruster # 205 x 5
10 burpees
if you finish this you will be conan the barbarian and you will conquer sonia the red

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

21/1/10 " Waaaaaaazzup"

Power CLean #155 x 5
Hang Squat Clean # 155 x 5
30" box Jump x 5
rest 5 min
3 rounds
100m Row sprint
Atlas Stone # 150 x 5
HandStand push Ups x 10
rest 5 min
3 rounds
Thruster # 185 x 5
Step Ups 24"box x 20

Then call your buddy and ask him what's up he will say
what's up is my lunch all over the floor-have fun

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

20/1/10 " FIGHT"

Sledge Hammer Tire Hits x 20
Muscle Ups of Pull Ups x 5
Rope Climbs x 3
Atlas Stone floor to shoulder # 150lbs x 1
Sandbag Cleans # 80lbs x 15
30" Box Jumps x 10
Atlas Stome floor to shoulder # 150lbs x 5
1000 meter Row

Instructor J: 12:00min
LittleJoe: 8:53
Viking: 6:02
LittleJoe: 7:47
Viking: 3:26
LittleJoe: 3:36

Monday, January 18, 2010

19/1/10 "Haiti"

4 rounds
KTE x 25
OverHeadSquat 185 x 10
Clapping Push-Ups x 15

Shake the earth with this wod
and FUCK France we donate shit to Haiti and they blame us for clogging up the supply pipeline

Friday, January 15, 2010

16/1/10 Instructor R.

Off day for 16 and 17th myself and team darwin are heading down to NJ to go to FDU to spectate at an Olympic Lifting meet and then to Stamford CT to go see Rob Orlando at Hybrid Athletics to participate in a strong man seminar. Going to be putting up alot more fun stuff on the site. Keep training, stay strong.

HERO of the day Instructor R.
50 wallball @ 20lbs
25 Pull-Ups
time 19:26 badass

Thursday, January 14, 2010

15/01/10 "NINJA ASSASIN"

Finish this and you will be a ninja (probably not but it's always fun to pretend)
slasher to halo 35lb kettlebell x 20
push ups x 20
jumping squats x 20
(slasher to halo) take kettlebell start at one hip bring kettlebell in a diagonal direction up body to opposite shoulder
bring kettlebell around head and move in diagonal direction across body to opposite hip. when you get back to starting hip that is one complete rep
good luck

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

14/01/10 "DOUCHEBAG"

If you look like him go to another site
He is all show muscle no go muscle
so he won't be able to protect his fair maiden
when you get strong and explosive and jack him up and take his women
AMRAP : as many rounds as possible"
30 min
10m sprint x 10
135lb power clean x 5
douchebag will be dead and she will waiting for you when you get done with this WOD

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Rest day

Make sure you eat everything you see including animals

Monday, January 11, 2010

1/12/10 "LANA"

If you finish this WOD with out your liver turning into liquid she we will be outside your bedroom door. GOODLUCK
8 rounds
Overhead Squats # 95 x 10
Burpees x 10
Push ups x 10

Sunday, January 10, 2010

"Unitied Strength" 10/11/01

Don't specialize
Don't Quit
Don't Make Excuses
Pick up that weakness and put it in your pocket

4 rounds
225 deadlift x 15
24" box jumps x 15
Rope climb x 3

(Scaled) 4 rounds
135 to 185 lb deadlift
all reps the same

Friday, January 8, 2010

again trouble with the internet at the FOB so getting a wod up is hard no excuse
WODS 1/8/09
5 rounds
25 step ups 24in box with 80lb sand bag, punching bag or 45lb plate on back
25 medicine ball cleans, 20lb ball, or use 45lb plate or punching bag
20 meter walking lunge with 45lb plate over head
(penalty: if 45lb plate touches floor during walking lunge 250 meter sprint on c2 rower or 10x2o meter sprints per time plate is dropped)

135lb deadlift x25
3o jumping squats
35 sit-ups or KTes (knees to elbows)
4 rounds


Thursday, January 7, 2010

i am an idiot

no excuse for no post today but i am an idiot and i don't know how to set up my wireless internet i need big brian to help me out cause like i said i am missing that chromosome

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

went to train with gary valentine today at his gym in wilton. Learned alot all of us (Instructor E. and Viking).

WOD rest day

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"Cheer Up"

set up 2 cones 20 meters apart
place sand bag, punching bag, 45lb plate 1st cone
Clean weight to shoulder
Sprint with weight to other cone
Drop weight and clean it to shoulder again
Sprint to cone
Repeat 100x

(cheer up you will probably die before you finish and your agony will be over)

2009 numbers
Instructor J.
Squat 405
Deadlift 435
Clean & Jerk 225
Front Squat 295
Snatch 160
Operator Ugly score 123
2k Row 7:28

Deadlift 515
Squat 465
Clean + Jerk 300
Snatch 205
Front Squat 335
Operator Ugly N/A (will be completed in 2010)
2k Row 6:33

Instructor R.
Deadlift 315
Front Squat 250
Clean + Jerk 240
Squat 315
Snatch Balance 225
Operator Ugly N/A ( will be completed in 2010)
2k Row 6:55

Monday, January 4, 2010


10 rounds
10 air squats
10 push ups
10 sit ups
10 x 10 meter sprint

NOTE: ( all squats are air squats unless otherwise noted)

Welcome to my page

WODs Start Tomorrow