Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Pull ups total weight moved 20,000lbs (divide 20000 by body weight to get total reps)
Hang Squat Cleans total weight moved 15,000lbs (use 135, 185, 205, 215 or 225lbs) divide these choices of weigh ts into 15000 to get total reps to do
20 meter sprints (total # of sprints to do has to equal 1 mile)
Example 20 meters = 60 feet 5280ft divided by 60 = 88sprints total

After this go to arby's and get roastburger you've earned it
Goal with hSqcleans is speed under the bar, you want to get yourself under the bar as quickly as possible
Goal with pull-ups is to do chest to bar for as many reps as you can
when you can't get chest to bar any longer, chin needs to get over bar
reps you do that don't get chin over bar don't count
word of the day = integrity don't cheat yourself by counting reps that aren't any good


  1. how did they know we eat at Arbys?????

  2. That WOD was long as hell.
    84 CTB Pull Ups
    81 185lb Squat Cleans
    88 20 m sprints
    Maybe tomorrow's could be a little bit shorter Instructor J?

  3. Q: "Why do people on the internet call you "coach"? Did I take a wrong turn and end up at the Crossfit boards?

    I'm glad you brought this up. Nobody here calls me anything but Rip, and I have never either insisted on or appreciated being called "Coach". To me, "Coach" is the fat guy with the whistle in the high school gym. I haven't said anything about it here before (although I have mentioned it at seminars) on the assumption that if you guys are happy referring to me as 'Coach" then who am I to spread melancholy?

    But really, I don't like it. I have never applied for a job with that title -- I'm a gym owner and writer. So henceforth, save "Coach" for the other guy and just call me Rip.

  4. if you don't read the SS forum you need to, Rip is a funny MoFo


  5. TOP 30 you read that? and why do i hear defeat and puninshment in your voice coming through your typing, don't worry tomorrow is a little shorter of a wod, and were are our shirts at? and o yea i am an instructor, not a coach, and you most definitely not take a wrong turn and end up on a crossfit board, that's like taking a wrong turn and end up in provincetown mass, no good, all kings and warriors eat arby's it's engrained in a winners DNA
