Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"Cheer Up"

set up 2 cones 20 meters apart
place sand bag, punching bag, 45lb plate 1st cone
Clean weight to shoulder
Sprint with weight to other cone
Drop weight and clean it to shoulder again
Sprint to cone
Repeat 100x

(cheer up you will probably die before you finish and your agony will be over)

2009 numbers
Instructor J.
Squat 405
Deadlift 435
Clean & Jerk 225
Front Squat 295
Snatch 160
Operator Ugly score 123
2k Row 7:28

Deadlift 515
Squat 465
Clean + Jerk 300
Snatch 205
Front Squat 335
Operator Ugly N/A (will be completed in 2010)
2k Row 6:33

Instructor R.
Deadlift 315
Front Squat 250
Clean + Jerk 240
Squat 315
Snatch Balance 225
Operator Ugly N/A ( will be completed in 2010)
2k Row 6:55


  1. Did momma get you a website for Christmas?? Gee thanks mom!!!

  2. yes my mom go me the internet for christmas, and she got me a website, maybe you can do some of these wods, you read the warning order on the right hand side, are going to get the eagle's feather instructor P.
