Sunday, January 10, 2010

"Unitied Strength" 10/11/01

Don't specialize
Don't Quit
Don't Make Excuses
Pick up that weakness and put it in your pocket

4 rounds
225 deadlift x 15
24" box jumps x 15
Rope climb x 3

(Scaled) 4 rounds
135 to 185 lb deadlift
all reps the same


  1. Level 1 Sport Performance Coach certification.

    $495** if the course is held at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, CO. The $495 price will include the registration fee, plus room and board for 3 nights at the OTC.

    Local (Milford CT may 1st&2nd)

  2. we should start looking into that for next year or something like that, atleast wait till we have some time oly lifting under our belts
    and i won't be going to milford
