Wednesday, January 13, 2010

14/01/10 "DOUCHEBAG"

If you look like him go to another site
He is all show muscle no go muscle
so he won't be able to protect his fair maiden
when you get strong and explosive and jack him up and take his women
AMRAP : as many rounds as possible"
30 min
10m sprint x 10
135lb power clean x 5
douchebag will be dead and she will waiting for you when you get done with this WOD


  1. I think I've seen that kid at the gym. Also on top of the fridge at USA there is a measuring wheel it's digital and does meters and ft.

  2. i don't know where the tater tots are but i wish i did because i love them, they are awesome, yes that measuring wheel is pretty neato i must say and i think i have seen that dude before too
